1000+ lessons, ideas & suggestions for your classroom. Made for Australian teachers and their students.
This website is managed by educators based in Perth. There are more than 1000 lessons here, available to teachers anywhere. The site is regularly updated with new material, for all year levels from Pre-Primary through to Year 10.
When using material from this website please attribute source to
Australian Teacher: http://australianteacher.org
Terms of Use
In Australia Most schools and other educational institutions have the appropriate Copyright Agency (CAL) licence. Please check -if you’re working in the Education sector- before using any material on this website.
All text, images and PDF files on the Australian Teacher website are subject to a Copyright Agency licence if downloaded or saved, scanned, digitally photographed, copied to CD, DVD or disk, printed, linked to a Network/Intranet, emailed, displayed or projected.
For details of the Copyright Agency (CAL) licence for educational institutions contact: Copyright Agency Limited, Level 15, 233 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia. Tel: +61 (0)2 9394 7600 Fax: +61 (0)2 9394 7601 Email: enquiry[at]copyright.com.au
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In accordance with Fair Use protocols individuals other than classroom teachers
may request permission to download material from this website. Please use
Contact form or email [email protected]
Questions / Answers
1. Is Australian Teacher designed to be visited by both teachers and students?
No, only teachers.
2. Does the site have anything to offer visitors from other nations?
Yes. Most of Australian Teacher’s content is non Australia-specific so there is much here that is suitable for any English-speaking classroom.
3. What about Copyright, Terms of Use, etc?
See ‘Terms of Use’ above.
4. Is it true that one of the main aims of Australian Teacher is getting children to think, reason, and have meaningful, stimulating discussions?
Yes. If we knew that there are students in classrooms who are discussing, debating and philosophising about some of our material we would be delighted. The engagement of higher-thinking skills in real-time, face to face interactions is the primary goal in many of our suggestions and ideas.
5. Using material from this website.
As far as fair use in schools, other educational institutions and libraries is concerned we say “The more use, the better” -as long as ‘Terms of Use’ are observed. If, on the other hand, material from Australian Teacher is used in other ways in Australia and/or other countries we stipulate that our work not be passed off as being authored by others, that proper attributions are made and a link back to our website included thus:
Australian Teacher: http://australianteacher.org
Linking Content. We would be more than happy for you to include Australian Teacher on your Facebook or Twitter page.
Indigenous Content
Australian Teacher supports the ‘Keepers of the Earth’ initiative of Indigenous Peoples Worldwide, aimed at ensuring that the unique indigenous cultures from which time-honoured traditional knowledge stems are safeguarded for generations to come.
One of the aims of this website is to educate young Australians in the ways of our indigenous people. Accordingly we want to present students with indigenous art, stories from the Dreaming, aboriginal languages, etc.
The authors of this site are aware of sensitivities that surround aboriginal customs and have acted with due diligence in collecting material for teachers and students to use in Australian classrooms.
We are indebted to staff at the Australian Museum in Canberra (both the Curatorial and Copyright departments), and to Martin Wardrop (Aboriginal Art Online) for their invaluable information, advice and guidance. Particular thanks are afforded to the following persons and organisations: Jilan Shah of the Creative Native -stockist of aboriginal art and other artifacts in Perth- who has allowed samples of the Creative Native’s Indigenous artwork to be used on this website; this artwork is available here for educative purposes only and may be freely discussed but not reproduced; Cecilia Alfonso of Warlukurlangu Artists Aboriginal Corporation who has allowed us to use images and stories from the Warlu website; Caroline Friend of the Rainbow Serpent for use of text and images; Milanka J. Sullivan of Artspeak (text and images); and Jane Resture (Jane’s Oceania) for granting us permission to use text and images from her several Indigenous websites.
If you would like to discuss our use of Indigenous art, languages, Dreaming stories and/or other material please contact us at [email protected].
Australian Teacher extends a warm welcome to teachers in other lands.
We know that teachers everywhere share the same aspirations and concerns and for this reason we would be honoured to have you as part of our extended family.
Please feel free to download and print any ideas, suggestions, lessons or activities on these pages. There are 42 printable e-books here, each with ready-made lessons in the form of student worksheets.
(Before downloading material please refer to Terms of Use above).
© Madison Rey Pty Ltd JG Shaw and RJ Shaw Email: [email protected]